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welkom zoekopdracht aanbiedingen contact  

Finding your perfect French Riviera home is our job! Start by filling out the form below and we will start searching for it. Within a few weeks we will present to you a selection of properties with most, if not all the amenities you require.

If you are not satisfied, we will keep searching until we find the perfect match. Properties on the French "Cote d'Azur" are never on the market for more than two months.

We will take care of you each step of the way, including with the processes involving:
- drawing up of the compromise together with a notary (if you don't know one we'll indicate one).
- translation of all official documents into English
- inform you about the French legislation
- indicate several reliable French Banks (if you would need a local mortgage loan)

We will be there along the way with all of the paperwork to avoid you the headache that some administrative work can cause.

Please fill out the form below and tell us what you are looking for.

Personal requirements:
Location or City:*
Type of accomodation:
Living-surface in squared meters:
Minimum number of bedrooms:
Minimum number of bathrooms and/or showers:
Surface of the garden (for houses only):
Max. number of floors (in a residence):
With a closed garage?: Yes No
With a private swimmingpool (for the villas): Yes No
With a collective swimmingpool?(for the residences): Yes No
Low or heigh floor(in residences): Heigh Low
Walktime to the beach in minutes:
Walktime to a shoppingcentre in minutes:
Orientation of the livingroom, facing: North East South West
When are you intending to buy this house?:
Close to what kind of sports-facilities(Golf, Tennis, Saling):
Other requests (miscellaneous):
My budget is: ,- euro

Personal data:
Last name:*
First name:
Zip code:
Phonenumber primary:
Phonenumber secondary(opt):
E-mail address:*
Please enter the characters shown above
 * = compulsory

Don't hesitate to contact us at your best convenience:
  • By telephone: John Westen - +33.608.715.517
  • By email: